April 1st - 28th

Welcome to b.ingo!
Are you game?

How many challenges can you complete?

Strategize, get sweaty, stamp your b.ingo card & you could win! Over $8,580 in prizes will be given away!

How to participate?

You'll have 4 weeks as of April 1 to stamp your b.ingo card! The more lines you complete, the more chances you have of winning a grand prize!

Step 1

Sign up!

You can only win if you are signed up

Step 2

Pick up your b.ingo card at any one of our 4 studios and start strategizing!

Step 3

Strategize and sign up for classes!

Step 4

Submit your card digitally!

1 year membership

1 winner

3 month membership

4 winners, 1 per studio

1 month membership

8 winners, 2 per studio


Here are some of our favourite strategies to help you get an edge over other clients!

Hot tip #1

1 class goes a LONG way!

Take an evening theme Performance class with a friend who's never been to b.cycle & you've knocked out 4 challenges at ONCE!

Take a new instructor & be on your way to stamping "Feelin' Fresh", "4-in-7", "Quatro" & "Warrior"!

Hot tip #2

B.ingo B.uddy!

Don't be shy to ask someone to be your b.ingo b.uddy! Some of the closest friendships were born from 1 person randomly going up to another!

These squares are the rarest ones that we see stamped but it's usually because we're too shy to put ourselves out there! You've got this.

Hot tip #3

Weekend sweat!

Stamp your "Happy Wknd" square and make progress towards your "Quatro" square by trying out a different studio!

Book it with your b.ingo b.uddy or a new friend & grab brunch afterwards to make it into a weekend event! Don't forget, our Rockland & Westmount studios have free parking!

Indoor Studios




Cycle / Body


Cycle / Body


Cycle / Body

10e anniversaire

centre des sciences 26/04/2025

Virtual Studio



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Any Studio