There is no right time. There’s only time and what you do with it.
When I first walked through b.cycle’s doors back in 2018, I was reluctant to say the least. Never did I ever dream that I would find such joy and passion in this form of movement, let alone that I would one day be an instructor (or even want to be), but here I am! Exercise has always been intimidating to me, but the energy and welcoming vibes at b.cycle had me coming back again and again. No matter is going on in my life, I always feel better walking out of the spin room than I did walking in, and that is what I hope to share with you all.
In a few words
Optimistic realist
Song on repeat
Hide in Your Shell – Supertramp (but basically this entire album)
Guilty pleasure
Law & Order: SVU marathons
Most proud of
Having the courage to do hard things, but also ask for help when I need it
Food for life
Cheese in all its forms