
6 classes, 3 studios, only $15 for each class !

Everyone has their first class at $15+tax but how do you choose the instructor or class type?!

With 6 b.community classes offered each week, now you can mix and match and find your favourite b.cycle flavour!


Every week b.cycle highlights one spin class and one barre class at each one of our three studios.

These classes are only $15+tax

The day, time, and instructor varies per week and gives everyone the chance to experience the magic of b.cycle!

How Do i book them?

Step 1: Visit the buy page and purchase the package “$15 cours b.communauté”.

Step 2: Click “Book A Class” and select the studio of your choice (remember there is 1 spin class and 1 barre class offered each week at each studio).

Step 3: Book any of the classes that are labelled b.communauté!

Upcoming b.community classes


Cycle: Sunday 8:45 am with Cynthia
Barre: Monday 7:00 am with Leila


Cycle: Sunday 8:45 am with Cynthia
Barre: Monday 7:00 am with Leila


Cycle: Sunday 8:45 am with Cynthia
Barre: Monday 7:00 am with Leila

Our Classes


Cycle classes

Ride to the beat, dance, smile and test your limits.

– Signature rides are fun and dynamic workouts that combine a mix of speed and resistance interval training , dance choreography, and hand weights!

– Performance rides are all about performance, no upper-body movements, no hand-weights. A class filled with speed and resistance intervals and our custom performance challenges user our leaderboard. In this class you don’t just ride to the beat you chase it.

– B.eat rides is our Signature ride without all the numbers and challenges. Connect your body and mind as you ride to the rhythm and embrace the beat. Let go of all expectations and simply have fun.


Body classes

Barre is an upbeat, full body, low impact workout focused on toning and strengthening! Hold it, pulse it, burn it ’till you shake.


– Sculpt class get you going through slow and controlled movements to build strength, find strength and discover your inner warrior.


– HIIT combines high intensity interval training and pilates. Known for its quick caloric burn in a short amount of time, HIIT gets the word done QUICK.


– TRX barre is a twist on our traditional barre sequences with yhe introduction of suspension strength training. Guaranteed to challenge you, our TRX program works all major muscle groups and stabilizers.