Find below all links needed for this year’s b.ingo activity!

Sign up for b.ingo

Fill out this form to sign-up for b.ingo

The Replace-A-Square challenge

Go to this page for the Replace-A-Square challenge.

Submit your points/card

Fill out this form to submit your card to tally up your points.

Pay It Forward Square

Attend one of our Sweat-For-A-Cause classes (two per studio each weekend of the month) and stamp this square that is very near and dear to our hearts!

There are two ways to sign-up:

  1. Purchase a class ticket at only $25 and register for class.
  2. Reserve the class for free and bring a monetary donation when you come take class!

All proceeds will go to, Chez Doris, a local (Montreal-based) women’s shelter that provides clothing, financial management support, medical services, an overnight shelter, and access to various housing solutions, including their own permanent residences. Their goal is always to help vulnerable women succeed, to the fullest extent possible.


Can’t attend a Sweat-For-A-Cause class? No problem! Each studio will host a donation jar during the month and all clients to contribute to the donation jar will also be entitled to stamp the “Pay-It-Forward” square on the card!